Designtipps for your wedding shirt


Before starting to design your wedding shirt think about the wedding theme.




A pompous celebration needs a large appearanceHochzeitshemd_Braeutigam_Klaeppchenkragen_Fine_Cotton_Company.jpg


For a large wedding with many guests and a pompous frame you can lay it on thick.


  • A dress shirt with wing collar, cuff and concealed button placket is by no means exaggerated
  • Traditional dress shirts are designed in white or champagne



Which of the two tones is suitable for your wedding depends largely on the bride . You and your wife should make a perfect match in style and image. Accordingly, a white shirt to a cream colored dress is an absolute no-go ..


FCC-TippOur luxurious ,white fabric Montbazon and the noble champagne tone Albufera are predestined for a brilliant appearance at your own wedding.





Marry in the small circle of your Family     Hochzeitshemd_champagner_Stickerei_Fine_Cotton_Company.jpg


To those who want to keep the wedding small the outfit does not have to be as pompous. In this case try to focus on the things you love and feel well in:


  • Choose a collar and a cuff which you normally would wear
  • On top accentuate, e.g. throug a handkerchief



FCC-Tipp: Put your wedding date on the shirt as a monogram to always remember





Visually divide registry office and churchHochzeitshemd_weiss_Pasquier_Fine_Cotton_Company_3.jpg


If you spread your celebration on two or more days it is advisable to rely on different outfits.  A smart way to do this is by haven two or more different shirts. Especially in the formal ceremony at the registry office you can confidently rely on some color. Of course the design has to match the bride and the weddingtheme


  • The shirt fabric is allowed to deviate in the registry office from White or Champagner
  • Colorful accents can be realized with yarns and buttons


FCC-Tipp: If you choose the classic white or champagne you are allowed to add colors through Yarn and buttons