Fine Cotton Company stands true to its name. We are a provider of custom-made shirts for every occasion. The company is based in the outskirts of the beautiful town of Heidelberg. Our founder Philipp Maier is driven by the passion for shirts and the vision to give fashion a more individual approach. He believes that anyone can design a personalised shirt to make any occasion special. Why go to a reatil store and waste time over finding the best looking shirt when there is an opportunity to create your own shirt just by the click of buttons? We believe that there is more than just picking up a size S, M, L, XL, XXL. With our customers we develop our products continously. We keep you involved throughout the process because a well fitted tailor-made shirt defines your personality. We relaunched Fine Cotton Company in December 2011, which resulted in improved details of the product and as well as services we provide to our customers.
We welcome you to share our passion for shirts and enjoy the process of designing a high-end custom made tailored shirt as much as we do!
A Practical Example
In co-operation with our regular customers, we constatntly develop shirts with new designs and patterns. The double button has emerged as a hallmark. Our customers told us about their problem and in order to improve the deatils of a shirt we ended up developping the concept of double button. Hence, we convereted a challenge into opportunity. If you have a specific request or suggestion for us, we look forward to your call or email! And yes, we call you back!